Rx Drug Insurance CoveragePharmacy/work 2024. 12. 26. 14:22728x90
1. Federal Public Drug Benefit Programs
- First nations (원주민), Inuit 이누이트, eligivle members of the Canadian Armed Forces 캐나다 군대, qualified veterans by Beterans Affairs Canada 캐나다 재향 군인회, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 캐나다 왕립 기마 경찰대원, and offenders in federal correctional institutions 연방 교정 기관 범죄
- 캐나다 원주민 서비스, 원주민 및 이누이트 건강 지부, 비보험 건강 혜택
- 캐나다군 약물 혜택 계획
- 캐나다 재향군인청, 치료 혜택 프로그램
- 캐나다 왕립 기마 경찰 건강 혜택 프로그램
- 캐나다 시민권 및 이민국, 연방 건강 프로그램
- 캐나다 교정 서비스, 건강 서비스
Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit
Learn about the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program and how to access it. Also search for important health-related resources, contact information and the Drug Benefit List.
>> 그 중 NIHB에 관하여...
NIHB (Non-Insured Health Benefits) payments by cheque or direct deposit
the BC First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)자격은 Indian Act에 등록된 First nations person 과 2세 미만의 child
The program covers prescription drugs and select over-the-counter products
Rx 드럭과 OTC 드럭 일부 포함
허가받은 약국에서만 약물과 약국 혜택을 받을 수 있음
허가받은 처방자의 처방 필요
프로그램에 등록된 제공자가 직접 청구하며 deductible이나 copay를 지불하지 않음. 제공자가 직접 Client identification 제시해야하며 Express Scripts Canada가 관리함.
- included on the NIHB Drug Benefit List, including benefits that are:
- open, which do not require prior approval, but may have conditions regarding age, quantity, frequency or dose
- limited use, which may be eligible for coverage if the criteria for coverage are met
- prescribed or recommended by a licensed health professional, within their scope of practice
Drug Benefit List
Express Scripts Canada는 Indigenous Services Canada와 계약하여 청구 처리 및 관련 서비스를 제공
약물 리스트는 아래 링크에 정보 넣어서 확인
2. Provincial and Territorial Public Drug Benefit Programs
PharmaCare has a number of plans, including Fair PharmaCare, for B.C. residents covered by MSP:
MSP에 포함된 BC 거주자를 위한 Fair pharmacare포함한 plan- Everyone is encouraged to register for the income-based Fair PharmaCare plan. Even if you are covered by another plan. The less your family earns, the more help you get. Register now! Not sure if you're registered or not? Check here.
- As a B.C. resident, you are automatically covered by PharmaCare's Plan Z, which pays the full cost of many contraceptives, opioid use disorder treatment, and a few other medications
BC주 주민은 Pharmacare plan Z에 자동 가입ㅡ 오피오이드 약물, 피임약 무상 - If you are receiving provincial income assistance, you should be automatically covered by Plan C, which pays the full cost of many medications
소득 지원을 받고 있다면 Plan C 자동가입 - If you are enrolled with the First Nation Health Authority, you should be covered by Plan W
- If your prescriber enrolled you in Plan G, prescriptions for medications covered by the plan should be fully paid for. Note: Be sure to get your Plan G coverage renewed before it runs out
한 사람이 여러 보험 수혜 가능
Plan C 및 F에 가입한 개인은 Fair PharmaCare에 등록해 두면 Plan C 또는 Plan F 종료되더라도 Fair PharmaCare를 통한 보장이 자동으로 넘어가짐Plan I
연소득에 따라 (2년전 tax 신고시 net income기준으로) 처방전 약값을 deductable까지 지출하고, 페어 파마케어에 따라 이후 약값의 70%를 할인 받음. family max 초과시 정부가 약값 100% 보장.
1. 첨부파일: pharmacare 가이드(한글)2. 첨부파일: pharmacare 보조금 표
income_bands_fair_pcare_regular.pdf0.18MB3. 파마케어 계산기
FPCARE — Applicant Enrollment
Plan B
장기요양 플랜
Plan B 시설로 Pharmacare에 등록되어야 함. 장기요양시설 LTC (long-term care) facility
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