
  • 지후영어 영문법
    카테고리 없음 2022. 12. 30. 11:37

    I regret to inform you that the book is out of stock. (지후영어, p.68)

    I'll try opening the door. (지후영어, p.70)
    opening은 여러 옵션 중 하나.
    to see if the card works.
    : try Ving는 해보다

    like Ving : 행위자체를 좋아함 (느낌)
    like to V: 패턴 리듬이 맞음 (정보전달)

    I hate saying this again (이 말을 하는 행위 자체가 짜증남)
    I hate to say this but... (유감) (p.81)

    being 굴다 she is being nice/mean/rude (p.99)

    been there, done that.

    While he was walking his dog in the park, he ran into an old friend of his.

    Being walking his dog in the park, he ran into an old friend of his. (분사구문에서 being은 거의 생략)
    = Walking his dog in the park, he ran~

    Because walking his dog in the park, he had a chance to talk with her.

    문맥상 오해가 있을 수 있다면 접속사 남겨놔야함.

    ** 시제가 다를 때

    Because he walked his dog in the park, he is now married to her.

    Because having walked his dog in the park, he is now married to her.

    can vs could

    I was able to go there.
    I managed to go there.

    I could have been there. (가정법)

    ** reported speach** (indirect speach)

    과거 => 과거완료
    현재완료=> 과거완료
    과거진행 => 과거완료진행
    현재완료진행 => 과거완료진행

    8. 가정법
    I study hard.
    If I study hard, I can pass the exam.
    If I studied hard, I could pass the exam.
    If I had studied hard, I could have pass the exam.

    9 관계사

    The cat which is very smart is mine.

    I have a cat which I love so much.

    10 계속적용법 nonrestrictive

    I have a dog, which is chubby.
    I have a dog, that is chubby. (X)

    11 restrictive vs. nonrestrictive

    a. She has two sisters who became accountants.
    b. She has two sisters, who became accountants.

    a. She has two sisters /who became accountants = 회계사가 아닌 다른 sister도 있겠구나.
    She has two sisters who became accountants and one sister who became a police officer.

    b. She has two sisters, who became accountants. 그녀의 자매는 두 명 뿐.

    a. My brother who lives in Seoul is a doctor.
    b. My brother, who lives in Seoul, is a doctor.

    what = the thing which

    with that (X)
    with which (O)
    I have another phone with which I do my business.

    the reason (which) we do this for
    the candidate (whom) the man has desperately looked for
    the theory (which) everyone has an opinion on
    the issue (which) no one can agree on


    make 의지
    have (make와 let 중간)
    let 허락

    I'm going to make him work hard from now on.
    I'm going to let him do whatever he wants to.

    the war broke out.
    I break out if I eat peanuts.
    break out in hives
    Fires frequently break out in spring.

    He was able to carry out the plan.

    He is about to leave.
    He is to leave. be to 용법.

    the ramen is about cooked.
    our remodeling is about completed.
    the dogs are roaming about.

    contrast with
    conflict with
    agree with
    satisfied with
    comparable with/to
    compatible A with B

    it is 3 to 7.
    7시 3분 전.

    before 아님.

    it's quarter to 10.


    a mother of two
    a father to a murdered son

    I am not familiar with the concept.
    the concept is not familiar to me.


    A light fixture is hanging from the ceiling.
    This helmet protects you from injury.
    We kept it secret from her.

    These days, office workers suffer a lot from stress.

    suffer의 출발점이 stress.

    From his behavior, people might think he is crazy.
    From what I heard, he is not guilty.
    근거, 바탕

    made from (재료 안 보임)
    made of (재료 본질 그대로)

    keep at it 견뎌내다, 끈기있게 일하다


    chopper = helicopter

    Okay, I will think over the idea.

    We talk over the crisis.
    We argued over the crisis.
    The price of the equipment is over the budget.

    I will catch up with you.
    I'm following up on my previous email.
    stay up
    finish up
    come up with the new ideas
    fired up
    end up understanding better


    The enemies backed down.
    * crack down on ~에 단호한 조치를 취하다
    the government says it will crack down on fake news.
    The army put down the rebellion.
    The police are trying to put down violent crimes.
    Why do you always put me down?

    be up for
    Are you up for this?
    be down for
    Are you down for this?

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