
  • CELPIP Speaking
    카테고리 없음 2023. 1. 3. 05:15

    1. introduction 한 문장, 포괄적으로 overall scene
    wilderness - 발음주의
    Canadian wilderness
    2. 큰 것들 big things 
    in the middle of this picture is ~~ 
    there is a river running through in the middle of the picture.
    대부분은 가운데가 젤로 중요하니까.. 
    3. Foreground and Background (foreground 없는 그림도 있음)
    4. How are you going to describe the location? 
    bottom right corner, top right, top left, bottom left, center, right, left, upper half, lower half, upper right corner, lower right coner
    beside the tree, under the tree
    5. Vocabulary 
    grizzly bear 
    red berries on the bush
    a skunk which is black with white stripes on its back and tail. 
    a big oak tree
    beaver dam
    elk has bigger antlers
    two wolves, their heads are pointed up and they are howling
    some pine trees
    river bank
    At the base of the tree is a patch of dirt with no grass growing
    on the opposite bank
    ** Conclusion
    Alright, that's how I would describe this picture.
    Alright, I hope I've given you a good description of the picture.
    Alright, I hope you can visualize the scene based on my description.
    Alright, I hope I've given you a good mental image of the scene from my description.
    alright = a signal for "it's done"
    I will walk you through the process. 
    * walk through: 차근차근 설명하다
    마련하다: come up with 머리에 떠오르다
    idea, plan, solution, strategy, rent/budget/money
    iron out the details
    iron out 문제점, 오해 등을 명쾌히 해소하다, 해결하다. 
    =solve + 만족
    어떻게 되는지 알려줘
    Keep me posted.
    생각해보고 나중에 다시 이야기 해도 돼? 
    Can I get back to you on that? 
    내가 잘 모르는 분야야. 
    It's not my area of expertise.
    It's outside of my area of expertise.
    Do you want to kick off? 먼저 시작할래?
    Can you kick off the meeting? 
    Can you kick us off?
    진행하다 move forward
    Should we move forward? 
    Let's move forward with your idea.
    moving forward = from now on.
    Moving forward. I'm running my business my way.
    Mike will run the meeting moving forward.
    Moving forward. cc me on all your emails with this client.
    시간이 부족해요.
    We're running short on time. 
    We're getting short on time.
    fire hydrant 소화전
    i made this in 3 hours.
    i have been making for 3 hours.

    진행,지속 + for
    완료,발생 + in
    i finished the book in two days.
    i studied English for 3 hours yesterday. (스터디는 지속)
    i finished my homework in 30 minutes.
    i have been writing a book for 2 months.
    i wrote this book in 2 months.

    within 3 hours 이내
    i will let you know within 3 hours.

    ~ 때문에 전화 드렸어요.
    i called you becuase of the meeting.
    I am calling about the meeting.
    i am calling about my order.
    i am calling about the ad that i saw on your website.
    i am calling to change my appointment. (예약변경)
    i am calling to let you know that the meeting has been cancelled.
    i am calling to see if you can attend the meeting.
    i am calling to see if we can meet you in person.
    i am calling to see if you received/got our parcel.

    i am writing about my order.
    i am writing regarding my order.
    i am writing to confirm the appointment.
    i am writing to see if there are any updates.(새로운 소식)

    regarding/ with regard to (formal)

    meet 처음 만나다, 초면이다
    meet 장소 시간  = 아는 사람과 만나다
    meet with (formal)
    meet up (사교)
    i met my wife at a club 15 years ago.
    i would like to meet with you in person. (만나뵙고 싶)
    i met up my friend in Hongdae.
    i got together with my friend in Hondae.
    I hung out with my friend in Hongdae.
    Let's meet this weekend.
    let's meet up this weekend.
    let's get together this weekend.

    we're running late.

    i will take that as a compliment.
    he complimented you.
    * 피상적인 것에 대한 칭찬
    your teacher told me many good things about you.

    admire 대단하다고 생각하다, 감상하다
    stop to admire the scenery.

    Afford 감당하다
    We can't afford to slip up. 
    They can be surprisingly affordable. 의외로.

    applicable 해당되는
    appliance 기기 (모터, 전기) 가전제품
    device 기기, 장치 - 휴대폰

    It has since become my favorite household appliance.
    그때부터, 그 이후로
    It includes setting the appliance in place.  

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