10-2English/Celpip 2025. 1. 23. 00:45
carcinogens 발암원carcinogenic agent 발암 물질carcinogenic factor https://blog.naver.com/chloelim2012/223664965598owing to (british, formal) = due to (formal, negative) = because of (general)thanks to 덕분에(positive) (thanks to my teacher, I learned English well, thanks to the sunshine, the plants grew faster)the flight was cancelled owing to bad weather.on account of (negative, old fashion)first and fo..
9-2English/Celpip 2025. 1. 16. 14:35
ring toss bouncy castlesYour enthusiasm is contagious!the most coveted areas of the city 도시에서 가장 탐나는 지역들covet 몹시 탐내다, 갈망하다 Her future goals are still vague. 모호하다Chatting with enchanted passersby. passersby 행인 Not everyone is enamoured by the harbour’s new addition, though. enamour 반하게하다, 매혹하다 pricey It’s a well-respected program that’s been offered for over a decade, it’s widely recognized in th..
8 - 1English/Celpip 2025. 1. 3. 14:10
resident - N 거주자, 거주민 = inhabitant (특정지역) = dweller (사람 또는 동물), , 투숙객 adj 거주하는V reside, dwell (살다, 거주하다 /격식 or 문예체)N residence residentship 도시 거주자 a city dweller I am writing to bring your attention to an ongoing issue regarding ~~ even after numerous complaints, the problem has yet to be solved. ** have yet to dothey have yet to make a decision.he has yet to choose his next ..
test 7-2 readingEnglish/Celpip 2025. 1. 1. 13:20
archipelago 군도 [ˌɑːrkɪˈpeləɡoʊ]Ewing hailed Canada as a role model of fiscal responsibility from which his country could learn, accolades that resounded in Ottawa on the foreign leader's recent diplomatic junket to spur bilateral trade and tourism.hail 환호하며 맞이하다, (…이라고 부르며) 맞이하다 ((as)) resound 소리가 울려퍼지다accolade N. 찬사junket 공무원 외유
set 7-2 공부English/Celpip 2024. 12. 18. 15:21
1. Will you be paying by credit card? 2. It always gets lost at the bottom of my purse.they’re real people-pleasers! A people-pleaser is someone who has a strong urge to please others, even at the expense of their own needs. heavy trucks regularly drive over even the thinnest areas . I’m pretty sure it is safe enough for you and few dogs. 3. But, I’m always wary of promotions that are for a limi..
set 7-1 공부English/Celpip 2024. 12. 11. 15:21
Reading Part 3: Reading for InformationSituated in Lake Nicaragua, 니카라과 호수에 위치한Life on the island revolves around the two volcanoes 섬에서의 삶은 두 화산을 중심으로 돌아간다. The earth revolves on its axis. The moon revolves around the earth. The seasons revolve. Several fantasies revolved around in my mind.enduring 오랫동안계속되는 (불후의)Archaeological 고고학prophets 예언자, soothsayer 점쟁이We actively lobby the gove..
Superstore 1화English 2024. 11. 17. 09:11
I'll just jot that down, then.* jot down. 몇 자 적어두다heterosexual 이성애자의 it might sound a little condescending. 약간 잘난 척하는 것처럼 들릴 수 있습니다. can I run out for 2 minutes? I'll take Carly off express. and Vivian can bag, so take as long as you need. This is your garden variety generic decongestant. decongestant 일관성 없는tweakersa red flag 위험신호 noggin 작은 컵? elitist 엘리트주의자this is my jam ( for music, informal ..