
  • 에밀리, 파리에 가다 3, 4회
    English 2023. 3. 19. 08:17


    with nausea, the sore boobs, and enough gas to launch a parade float.

    I'm fitting right in.

    I'll send the corporate commandments from the Chicago office.

    the water cut off in my shower 

    the water cut out in her shower

    last week, it was a fuse.

    I was minding my own shower business! 얌전히 샤워하고 있었음.

    she's getting on my nerves. nothing but problems since she got here. 

    or maybe not. 그럼 취소.

    the male gaze.


    she has no references.

    I'm worried it won't translate in the States. In today's climate, it could come off as politically incorrect. 

    어쨌든, but regardless, 

    morality police

    And we need to protect ourselves from the morality police. 도덕적 탄압으로부터

    Desire does not mean a lack of respect. 

    해석에 달려있다. 

    it's open to interpretation.

    You're more like the prude policy. 고상한척

    I'm just trying to imagine a social campaign that doesn't seem tone-deaf to the cultural moment.

    Sancerre. 상세르 a breakfast wine.




    My lousy French gets me nowhere.

    I just heard myself say that out loud, 말해놓고 and I didn't even believe me. 

    I ended up in the 21st arrondissement. (프랑스 행정)구

    This city is so overwhelming. 정신이 하나도 없음.

    You'll get the hang of it! 요령이 생길거다, 감 잡을 거다.

    This is wildly inappropriate. 심가하게

    말 나온김에, (and) on that note, I'm going to help you clean up.

    we let things season.

    infatuated 심취한, 열중한

    it's really cutting edge. very new.

    Our mutual friend in Paris. 파리의 친구가 소개해줬어요. 해석 아닌듯. 우리가 같이 아는 친구가. 

    [프릴미네럴리] Preliminarily, I mean. So, wish me luck. 

    someone's go-to place. 인기 장소, 즐겨찾는 장소. 단골 레퍼토리.

    You have to tease all the senses. 모든 감각을 자극해야해요.

    one of the most up-and-coming young chefs in Paris. 

    let's nail down the scent, 향을 정하다

    It was above and beyond. 

    You made me look great out here. 











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