Celpip - NewsEnglish 2023. 3. 21. 00:43728x90
arrogant 오만한
wasp 말벌
spew out
intimidated 겁에 질린
mitigate 완화하다
dysfunction 몸과 관련된
hypertension 고혈압 (high blood pressure)/저혈압 (low blood pressure),mulfunction 기계 등 잘 작동하지 않을 때
colds are contagious.
a contagious disease
contingencyPeople are overly optimistic.
be prone to 걸핏하면 ~하다
bestow an opportunity 기회를 베풀다, 기회를 주다
a double whammy 이중고
mis+re+presentation 잘못 전달boost 밀어올리다, 후원하다 (n. v)
boost prices
give a person a boost
a tax boost 증세burst 부풀어서 팍 터짐 (제방, 폭탄, 물집, 문, 폭풍우, 파산)
precedent n.a. 앞의, 앞에것
the preceding year 전년도
lightning precedes thunder
This precedes all others.weigh 무게를 달아요
weighting 가중치 부여
User backlashSofi was advised by her friends and associates.
peerswhy the results vary. (be different 대신 쓸 수 있을 듯)
discretionary 임의의, 자유 재량의
consumer discretionary (사치품 섹터)straightforward 직설적인
are insured by ~ 보험에 가입되어있다.
bilateral 쌍방의
immediate family members 직계가족
be subject to ~의 대상이다.
be subjected to ~를 당하다.
Flights are subject to delay because of the fog.
The offer is subject to certain conditions.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
The city was subjected to heavy bombing.
She was subjected to hate from her friends.
Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman treatment.be prone to 툭하면 ~ 하다는 뜻인거 같은데?, be easy to랑은 좀 다르지.
prone 엎드린 (뒤집기 쉬움)
He is prone to gain weight.
Some plants are very prone to disease.
It was very delicate and prone to break down.
Why are you so prone to complaining about your husband?She tends to eat at home.
People tend to nee less sleep as they get older.
My father tends to interfere too much in other people's business.
간섭하다be likely to ~일거 같다. (가능성 커보임)
He is likely to marry her soon.
It is likely to rain soon.
He is likely to succeed.
https://blog.naver.com/e_muffin/222800056507redemption 상환
in-kind 현물의
reckless 난폭한, 신중하지 못한
iterative 반복적인, 되풀이하는
Agile PM employs an incremental, iterative process sometimes referred to as a 'rolling wave' apporach to complete projects.subsume 논리로 속박하다 (그냥 예외없이 적용된다는 의미인듯)
Each new iteration subsumes the work of the previous iterations until the project is completed and the customer is satisfied.
각 새로운 반복은 프로젝트가 완료되고 고객이 만족할 때까지 이전 반복 작업을 수행합니다.fabrication 날조, 위조
fabricated historyinterdependent
violation 위반 (cf. violence)induce 설득하다, 권유하다
The project manager must induce the right people at the right time to address the right issues and make the right decisions.complete 4 digits to disable each one of the security locks.
disable: 비활성화하다prominent = noticeable
emerging- developing- proficient-extending
No pain- least pain - mild pain - moderate pain - severe pain - excruciating pain백점 만점에 얼마? how is (S) on a scale of one to ten?
accumulate (오랜 시간에 걸쳐) 모으다
* cumulative aggregates 누적합계, aggregation 누적impose 도입하다
beat the traffic 교통 정체를 피하다
back out 철회, 취소, 물러나다
You can't back out now.rigid
miscellaneous + files, movies, books, music, things, junk, items, points, questions,
mischievous = naughty, misbehaving, disobedient, troublesome, vexatious, delinquent, playful
compulsory education/school, licensing, attendance, national, military, figures, process, retirement, dispute (법으로 정했나봐)
mandatory testing, minimum, reporting, evacuation, arrest, prison, counseling, (강제 느낌)
obligatory reference, structure, exchange, visit, reading, returns, period (꼭 채워...)evacuation 퇴거
composure 냉정, 침착
lose composure/cool/calmness
keep composurestringent 엄격한, 엄중한
Please contact me at your convenience.
Please return the completed form at your earliest convenience.
discard 버리다, 폐기하다
dismiss (군)해산=퇴거/면직의 의미, disperse,
dismiss oneself from officedissolve, terminate
water dissolves sugar.
dissolve Parliament.endeavor 노력, 애씀
create a workaround 차선책, 플랜 B
mitigate 누그러뜨리다, 진정시키다, 완화하다
intimidate 협박하다, 겁을 주다 = threaten
each and every 하나도 빠짐 없이
allegedly 이른바, 소문에 의하면
scam 속이다 사기치다 scammed
claw back 되찾다 (claw something back)
If nothing else, American presidents are useful for marking time. 제자리 걸음을 걷다 tread water
(I'm just treading water.)
Parliament /'파아ㄹㅓ먼ㅌ/
verge 풀이 나 있는 길가
indict 기소하다 /ɪnˈdaɪt/Iterative 되풀이되는, 반복적인 (이터레티브)
obsession 강박
mediocre 보통밖에 안되는, 별로인: acceptable, but no good.
ex. having a mediocre job and mediocre life, mediocre productoverrated 과대평가된
decent 나쁘지 않은, 괜찮은
at best 잘 해봐야, 최대한 좋게 봐도
I'd say it's mediocre at best.solid 견고한, 탄탄한,
a satisfactory answer
by their nature 본질적으로, by their very nature
seizing opportunities
overwhelmed: positive, negative 모두 쓰임
* His wife was overwhelmed to see him back safe.
There were so many acts of kindness that I was overwhelmed.
Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.
He was overwhelmed by the intensity of her love.He became your basic gofer there ("go for this, go for that")
= gopher 잡일하는 사람, 심부름꾼Political Leaning
Conservative Republican
Liberal Democrat* restriction, constraint, restraint, or limitation?
restriction 규제. 정부나 당국에서 규정한 법과 같은 제약
constraint 존재하는 제약. (하고 싶어도 늘이기 안돼.. 작거나 같음) constraints of time/money/space
restraint 존재하는 제한. (외부/내부적 한계) moral restraints, social restraints, cultural restraints
limitation 일반적 제한.regulation 규정
regulator 원칙, 규정하는 사람(감시원), 조절장치.
legislative 입법
legitimate 정당한
legitimize 합법화하다
It attempts to achieve greater integration by creating and legitimizing the authority of a project manager.and the like 기타 같은 종류의 것. etc. 보다 형식적인 표현.
referred to as
I promised never to refer to the matter again.
refer to page 26 for details.referred to vs. refer to (sb/sth) as (C)
She always referred to Tony as 'that nice man'.
Tony was referred to as 'that nice man' (by her).At one time, people referred to the city as the Paris of the East.
At one time, the city was referred to as Paris of the East.it is very accurate in calibrating.
* calibrate 눈금을 매기다fatal accident 사망사건
accident= the worst incident
event 중요한 사건
the worst caseIn lieu of that correspondence
* In lieu of = on behalf of ~을 대신하여splurge 돈을 아낌 없이 쓰다
I got paid today. I'm gonna splurge and order a steak.The more pressing matter is that.
(sth) would be a priority.
Hey, hope you're well. 잘 지내죠?
They have a very rigorous cleaning process.
rigorous 엄밀한I can't even begin to emulate it.
emulate 본받다I took for granted what you bring to the company.
*take for grant ~을 당연한 것으로 여기다cater to 충족시키다, 맞추다
Internet shopping caters to every conceivable need.
Bars that cater to the lucrative tourist trade.
* lucrative = profitablenegotiate terms 조건
expand Canadian interior
interior 내륙execution 처형
exile 망명, 도피
= fugitiveHouse of Common 국회
divisive opinion
progressively 꾸준히 점진적으로
sphere 구, 영향력
Declaring that any attempt by Canada to assume authority would be contested unless Ottawa had first negotiated terms with the Metis, Louis Riel led an armed uprising and seized Fort Garry, the territorial capital.
* assume 관직 = 관직을 맡다
assume smile 미소를 짓다* Ottawa = Canadian Government
in jeopardy 위태로운
scores equating ensures fairness.
correspondence 서신왕래
I didn't get caught up in my sleep.
please pass along my thanks to the driver.
the letter expresses gratitude.
under time constraints
available in glossy or matte finish (shinny and top coat)
high-resolution image required
resolution 결심a biographical account of someone
life cycle
fertilized egg
nymph stage
fully developed adult
*nymph 애벌레, nymph stage 약충기intake: n
Make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins A, B, C and D.
You should maintain a low intake of fat.
You need to watch your alcohol intake.
One of the best ways to get to your ideal size is to cut fat intake right down.
섭취 or 섭취량 amount of food/drink taken into the body.maturation rate 성숙률
understandably 당연하게도
understandably, artists have resisted.purview
처음엔 이름 성, 나중에 반복할 때는 성만 씀, in news article.
leisure pursuit
When it happens, taxpayers subsidize the leisure pursuits of society's wealthiest people.
여가활동Myriam Donahue strikes a chord with me when she says governments that fund the arts pay for the pastimes of the elite.
~와 공감을 불러일으키다
strike a chord 심금을 울리다
chord 화음
discord (formal) 불협화음, 마찰, 불화 (=dissonance)↔ concordbureaucrat. n
사람 (공무원이나 공무원 같은 사람)intentional
strife 싸움
cohesive 딱 붙어있는
congestion 혼잡
discrete 이산의
discreet 신중한
artifact 인공물
in referring to ~에 관하여
in tandem 보조를 맞추어
decompose 분해하다
encompass 포괄하다, 아우르다
Deliverables are tangible components that need to be delivered to complete the project. They are typically a physical component or an item that needs to be produced, obtained, or supplied as a result of executing project activities.
deliverables 성과물
These deliverables are either interim or ultimate deliverables that are delivered to satisfy project requirements.
mockup ~을 흉내내다
In construction projects, preliminary plans and specifications, bid documents, and pre-construction mockups are examples of interim project deliverables. Examples of ultimate project deliverables in a construction project may include concrete structures, structural steels, building facade, and a building’s mechanical system.
facade [fəˈsɑːd]A variety of breakdown criteria
masonry 석조기술, 석공
be abbreviated to
"Daniel" is often abbreviated to "Dan"
excavate /'eksk.../
insulate 단열하다
insulate againstsolvency 변상 능력
insovency 파산, 지불능력초과
apprehend 파악하다 : understand or perceive
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