
  • set 7-1 공부
    English/Celpip 2024. 12. 11. 15:21

    Reading Part 3: Reading for Information

    Situated in Lake Nicaragua, 
    니카라과 호수에 위치한

    Life on the island revolves around the two volcanoes
    섬에서의 삶은 두 화산을 중심으로 돌아간다.
        The earth revolves on its axis.
        The moon revolves around the earth.
        The seasons revolve.
        Several fantasies revolved around in my mind.

    enduring 오랫동안계속되는 (불후의)


    예언자, soothsayer 점쟁이

    We actively lobby the government to endorse agreements that

    endorse 지지하다, 뒷받침하다


    companies invest billions of dollars in exhaustive research and testing.


    • 1.철저한, 속속들이 규명해 내는, 남김없는(thoroughgoing)
    • 2.고갈시키는, 소모적인


     Even products verified as safe sometimes incur lawsuits.

    안전하다고 검증된 제품도 때때로 소송이 발생합니다.


    Connaught considers generic drug makers akin to parasites.
     They just skim off profits from other companies, without contributing anything of their own.

    skim off 훑어보다

    rip-off 바가지, 사기


    Governments shouldn’t collude with pharmaceutical companies to stall generics or keep them off the market. 


    Weiller credits generic drug makers for saving the lives of millions around the globe. 

    credit 공로를 인정하다



    We actively lobby the government to endorse agreements

    companies invest billions of dollars in exhaustive research and testing


    Connaught considers generic drug makers akin to parasites. 

    akin to = similar to


    They just skim off profits from other companies.

    skim off 걷어내다 (뜯어가다로 해석하면 될듯)


    a rip-off 바가지


    Even with generics nibbling at their profit margins, 
    제네릭 제품이 수익률을 갉아먹는 상황에서도,


    Governments shouldn’t collude with pharmaceutical companies to stall generics or keep them off the market. If anything, drug patent protections should be weakened.

    collude with 결탁하다

    제네릭을 지연시키거나 출시하지 못하도록 
    stall 지연시키다

    In effect, laws that hasten or at least preserve drug patent expiries assist the developing world.

    hasten 독촉하다



    take of granted vs take it as read 비교하기

    take for granted와 take it as read는 영어에서 주로 사용되는 표현입니다. 이 두 표현은 모두 어떤 정보...



    credit 공로를 인정하다

    grant 공식적으로 승인하다, 내키지는 않지만 인정하다, 보조

    take it for granted 당연하게 생각하다 (의심하지 않음)
    take it as read 

    tersely 간결하게





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