
  • set 7-2 공부
    English/Celpip 2024. 12. 18. 15:21

    1. Will you be paying by credit card?

     2. It always gets lost at the bottom of my purse.

    they’re real people-pleasers! 

    A people-pleaser is someone who has a strong urge to please others, even at the expense of their own needs.

    heavy trucks regularly drive over even the thinnest areas .

    I’m pretty sure it is safe enough for you and few dogs.


    3. But, I’m always wary of promotions that are for a limited time only. When will the price go up?


    be wary of = be careful

    You’ve almost convinced me, but I’d like to talk to Manaz first

    “I'm ready to get cracking” is an informal idiom that means you're ready to start doing something or moving more quickly


    4. Our manager thinks a worthy recipient is the children's hospital because some of the wards need refurbishing.

    wards 병동

    5. refurbishing
    renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building).

    Well, it’s a lot less confrontational than a regular auction.
    6. confrontational 대립적인

    7. Although, I wonder if people will be inclined to bid less because they can see what everybody else is bidding.
    incline  ~하는 경향이 생기게 하다


    8. could we consult the manager? 
    ** consult는 전치사가 필요 없네



    9 .I think we need a buy-in from everyone in order to make such a big change.

    a buy-in 동의

    the fact of agreeing with, accepting, or supporting something that another person suggests or does: If you want to go ahead with these plans, you'll need buy-in from the employees.


    a controversial proposal in relation to the demolition of Henley Car Factory

    has put forward a proposal to develop several apartment buildings

     10. spearheaded a campaign 앞장서다, 선두에 서다



    11. Eleanor Wentworth has spearheaded a campaign against further development in the area, stating that community, rather than economic interests should take precedence. 
    엘리너 웬트워스는 경제적 이익보다는 공동체가 우선시되어야 한다고 말하며 이 지역의 추가 개발을 반대하는 캠페인을 주도했습니다.

    우선권을 가지다


    12. She argues that the area is primarily composed of families with children. 

    주로 다음과 같이 구성됩니다


     Since living in a highly populated area often makes it less likely that one will know their neighbours.


    13. a nearby creek which has long been clogged with garbage
    오랫동안 쓰레기로 막혀 있던 인근 개울

    preventing urban sprawl

    도시 확산 방지


    Since the creek runs in a fairly straight line 


    sprawling residential community for families with children.

    불규칙하게 뻗다








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