test 7-2 readingEnglish/Celpip 2025. 1. 1. 13:20728x90
archipelago 군도 [ˌɑːrkɪˈpeləɡoʊ]
Ewing hailed Canada as a role model of fiscal responsibility from which his country could learn, accolades that resounded in Ottawa on the foreign leader's recent diplomatic junket to spur bilateral trade and tourism.
환호하며 맞이하다, <사람을> (…이라고 부르며) 맞이하다 ((as))resound 소리가 울려퍼지다
accolade N. 찬사
junket 공무원 외유
'English > Celpip' 카테고리의 다른 글
10-2 (0) 2025.01.23 9-2 (1) 2025.01.16 8 - 1 (2) 2025.01.03 set 7-2 공부 (1) 2024.12.18 set 7-1 공부 (1) 2024.12.11