8 - 1English/Celpip 2025. 1. 3. 14:10728x90
resident - N 거주자, 거주민 = inhabitant (특정지역) = dweller (사람 또는 동물), , 투숙객
adj 거주하는
V reside, dwell (살다, 거주하다 /격식 or 문예체)
N residence
도시 거주자 a city dweller
I am writing to bring your attention to an ongoing issue regarding ~~
even after numerous complaints, the problem has yet to be solved.
** have yet to do
they have yet to make a decision.
he has yet to choose his next project
아직 돼야돼 (아직 안 되고 있음)
cf. be yet to do
아직 해야돼 (아직 안 하고 있음)
the play was yet to start.
very frustrated by the whole ordeal.
ordeal: 시련, 힘든 경험 = unpleasant experience, painful experience, trial, tribulation (고난)
to recap, (sentence)
on your end
superintendent 관리자
I had to call them to find if there had been any attempt to rectify the problem.
rectify a fault = correct 잘못된 것을 바로잡다
I am extremely disgruntled with the (problem)
불만스러운, 언짢은
I feel that the manner in which this issue is being handled is completely unacceptable.
multiple forms of payment in their daily lives.
= 2가지도 multiple이라고 쓸 수 있음
indifference 무관심
I would still be more vulnerable on the trails.
매도하다 - 비난하는 의미로..
video gaming is now just as likely to be touted as a way to develop important skills and facilitate learning.
be likely to v ~할 가능성이 높다
be likely as S V
tout 광고하다 장점을 내세우다
facilitate 가능하게 하다 용이하게 하다
Moreau is quick to add that these findings should be interpreted cautiously, since academic underachievement and the inclination to play video games could both stem from an unknown cause.
stem from ~에 기인하다, ~에서 유래하다 (~로부터 줄기가 나왔다고 생각하면 될 듯)
inclination to ~하려는 경향
both might be attributable to a third factor.
https://m.blog.naver.com/saywise/223112253161[홍태승]be attributable to: ~에 원인이 있다, ~에 기인하다/영어/230526
[그것은 오직 사람의 실수가 원인일 수밖에 없다.] It can only be attributable to human error. [그들의...
Thus, for Moreau it’s too soon to say that video games pose a risk to children's thoughts and emotions
he’s an avid gamer
he himself has fallen prey to the lure of interactive technology.
The former compulsive 25-hour-a-week gamer now observes a strict weekly limit: four hours, weekends only.
The former compulsive 25-hour-a-week gamer now observes a strict weekly limit: four hours, weekends only.
Otherwise, it’s psychological manipulation.
Resolved to continue working on their house, the Castillos are now deciding whether to keep the item or sell it on eBay.
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