
  • McShane 11e-Ch02
    MBA/HRMT 2022. 7. 19. 03:10

    Learning Objectives
    - personality, Big Five personality factors related to workplace behavior and performance
    - the dark triad of personality and the MBTI types, implications for organizational behavior
    - Schwartz's model of individual values and the conditions
    - Four ethical principles and three factors influencing ethical behavior
    - Five values commonly studied across cultures and the diverse cultures within Canada

    Individual differences at Bridgewater Associates

    Personality in Organizations
    - The relatively enduring pattern of thoughts, emotions & behaviors... 
    - Personality traits: individual differences
    * enduring 지속되는 enduring patter, enduring memories
    * discernible 알아차릴만한, 구별/식별할만한 discernible patterns, discernible difference

    Nature vs. Nurture of Personality
    - Influenced by nature: 50% of behavioral tendencies by heredity
    - Influenced by nurture: Socialization, learning
    - Personality stabilizes in young adulthood.
    * nurture 양육, 육성
    * heredity 유전 heredity effect, heredity, and environment
    * stabilize 안정되다, 안정시키다 
    * executive function (심리학) 집행기능 

    Five-Factor Personality Model - CANOE
    Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Extraversion
    * conscientiousness 양심적인, 성실한
    * neuroticism 신경질, 신경증적 성질
    * extraversion 외향성 = extroversion , app.introversion



    Five-Factor Personality and Individual Behavior 
    Proficient task performance: Conscientiousness, Extraversion
    Adaptive task performance: Emotional stability, Extraversion (assertiveness), Openness to experience
    Proactive task performance: Extraversion (assertiveness), Openness to experience
    Organizational citizenship: Conscientiousness, Agreeableness
    Counterproductive work behaviors: Conscientiousness,  Agreeableness
    * assertiveness :  확신을 가진 적극성, 주장 

    Five-Factor Model and Behavior: Further Information
    * extraverted: 외향적
    * adaptive: 조정의, 적응할 수 있는

    Five-Factor Model Issues
    - The higher scores aren't always better.
    - Specific traits may predict better than the overall Big Five factor
    - Personality isn't static
    - The Five-Factor model doesn't cover all personality concepts

    The Dark Triad 
    * deceit
    * misleading (mislead 호도하다)
    * outwitting (outwit ~ 보다 한수 앞서다 = outsmart)
    * entitlement (공식적으로 인정받는) 자격,권리, (정부)재정지원혜택
    * intensely 몹시
    * ruthlessly 무자비하게, 잔인하게
    * dominate and manipulate 
    * superficial 피상적인, 깊지 않은 
    * impulsive 충동적인
    * self-promoters 자화자찬

    Dark Triad and Workplace Behavior

    Jungian & Myers-Briggs Types
    * impersonal 비인간적인
    * abstract 추상적인

    Evaluating the MBTI
    * cognitive 인식의, 인지의

    Values in the Workplace
    * hierarchy 계층, a person's hierarchy of values

    Schwartz's Values Model
    * quadrant 사분면
    * status quo 현재의 상태 preserve the status quo, keep the status quo
    * transcendence 초월,  transcende 초월하다 

    Importance of Values at IKEA
    * congruent 알맞은, 적절한, 합동의 

    How Values Influence Decisions and Behavior

    When Values Don't Predict Behavior
    * motivational 동기를 부여하는 
    * counter-motivational 역으로 - 

    Values Congruence 
    The similarity of a person's values hierarchy to another source
    * values congruence 가치 부합
    * cohesion 단결, 결속
    * turnover 회전율, 이직률

    Ethical Values and Behavior
    Four ethical principles: 
    1. Utilitarianism: Greatest good for the greatest number
    2. Individual rights: Everyone has the same natural rights
    3. Distributive justice: Benefits and burdens should be the same or proportional
    4. Ethic of care: Moral obligation to help others.
    * utilitarianism 공리주의, 실리주의
    * distributive justice 분배의 공정
    * ethic of care 보살핌의 윤리

    Moral Intensity and Ethical Conduct
    *intensity 강렬함, 강도

    Supporting Ethical Behavior
    * wrongdoing 비행

    * self-sufficiency in 
    * control over ~에 대한 통제

    * 집단이기주의

    Power Distance 
    * obedience 복종, 순종

    Uncertainty Avoidance
    * avoidance 회피
    * ambiguity 모호함(애매함)

    * materialism 물질주의 

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