
  • Mad English
    English 2023. 1. 1. 03:45


    the dead of winter: the coldest part of winter, the middle of winter. January and February.
    It was the dead of winter and the ground was covered in deep snow.  (covered with x, in a deep snow x)
    the dead of summer x

    spill the beans: reveal something
    I will spill the beans.

    in the thick of it(sth): in the most active or dangerous part of a particular situation or activity. in the hardest part.
    He was always right there, in the thick of it when the fighting started.
    I am in the thick of the exam week. 

    semi /semi/ or /semai/: a kind of huge truck, tractor & trailer (tractor is the front piece)
    haul: pull something 

    full swing into spring (summer): you are deep into it.  

    brutal /ˈbro͞odl/ savagely, violent 
    brutal weather, brutal wind

     your neck of the woods: your place to live in Americans.





    humming and hawing
    I was just humming and hawing over what to have for my Christmas dinner.

    kidney beans

    indecisive: not good at making decisions

    deliberate: engage in long and careful consideration
    She deliberated over the menu.
                       done consciously and intentionally (신중한, 의도하고 계획한 intentional, planned)
    a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict.

    procrastinate: delay or postpone action; put off doing something

    let up: (it's been constant) If bad weather or an unpleasant situation lets up, it stops or improves.
    The rain is not letting up. 
    It hasn't let up.
    When the rain lets up we'll go for a walk. 

    cold snap: a short period of cold weather, a period of time it is cold. ≠ 꽃샘추위
    a very long cold snap
    two months cold snap

    cooped up: being in a small closed space from which you cannot escape or you feel as if you are.
    I hate being cooped up inside working when it's a sunny day outside.
    It's such a tiny office -don't you ever feel cooped up here? 



    races jokes
    clean jokes 
    dirty jokes

    contraction 축약형, 축소 (↔ expansion), 진통

    pun: wordplay

    (a woman) in labor:  진통 중인 it has to be with pregnancy. starting to have a baby


    make up: invent something
                     consist of (sth)
    Are you wearing make-up?
    in a car accident

    diddly-squat = nothing
    I did diddly-squat.

    recede 퇴각하다
    receding hare-line

    part with
    I'll never part with it. 가르마를 타다
    I'll never part with you.
    part ways 이별하다
    I'll never part ways with you.

    Today is really overcast. 구름으로 가득차있다.

    fork in the path






    mutt: mixed breed


    fallen out of grace 품위를 잃은

    my voice is cracked

    first nations people

    I'm fine, and how are things on your end

     arrogant 오만한 



    cusp 어금니 윗면
    We are on the cusp of (something big, change, graduation, revolution).

    raspy voice

    canine 송곳니 =cuspid 

    bicuspid 송곳니 안쪽으로 옆의 2개

    Central banks have brought our civilization to the edge of a precipice.
    We could be on the precipice of war.
    The UK is teetering on the edge of a financial precipice.

    * western civilization
    * teeter back and forth = drunk
    * teeter-totter = see-saw




    compatible  incompatible

    flammable = inflammable
    Gas is flammable.
    ↔ non flammable

    famous = infamous (infamous criminal)

    genius = ingenius (ingenius idea)

    shameful = shameless (shameless person)

    mean the same thing
    I don't care.
    I could care less. (x) 
    I couldn't care less. (o) 

     unfaithful: cheated
    faithless: lack of confidence

    loyalty and commitment




    cliche: a saying or idea that is overused and unoriginal.
    I know it sounds cliched, but I'm thinking and praying for you. 




    makeshift 임시변통의

    make shift

    humble abode: somebodys house or home

    paper thin




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